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matthew labarge, larkenlyre, and cane bay cabaret
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Copies of Psalms & Sutras (music CD)  
Copies of Magical Majestical (music CD)  
Copies of It's July, Firefly, Rise and Shine (music CD)  
Copies of Cane Bay Cabaret (music CD)  
Copies of You and I and Every Sky (music CD)  
Copies of Quiet Like Snow (music EP CD)  
Copies of My Hands Made a Harp (music CD)  
Copies of Comfort & Joy (music CD)  
Copies of Music from the Long Quiet (music CD)  
Copies of Spiriti (music CD)  
Copies of Omnia (music CD)  
Copies of Music of the Extraordinary Voyages (music CD)  
Copies of october (music CD)  
Copies of in small hours (music CD)  
Copies of first fall night (music CD)  
Copies of 3 love songs (sheet music book)  
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